Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 places an obligation on UK businesses with a turnover of over £36 million to produce a modern slavery statement. Although Flexys does not fall within this requirement, this statement sets out the steps that Flexys takes to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in its business operations and supply chain.

About Flexys

Flexys is a specialist collections software supplier providing the most advanced end-to-end debt management system, built on more than three decades of commercial, developmental and operational industry experience.

Our Commitment

Flexys has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery or human trafficking within our operations or supply chain. Our commitment to prohibiting modern slavery and always acting ethically and with integrity applies to all employees, as well as contractors, external consultants, partners or any other person associated with Flexys, no matter where they are located.

Our Supply Chain

We adopt a stringent procurement process. It is ultimately our suppliers’ duty to respect the applicable laws and ethics on human rights. However, suppliers are reviewed to ensure they provide safe working conditions and to ensure they adopt adequate policies which meet or exceed our purchasing requirements. At the same time, we seek to ensure that goods and services are sourced on a fair basis.

Whistleblowing Policy

Our Whistleblowing policy provides a mechanism for staff and the wider Flexys team to voice concerns in a responsible and effective manner without concern for negative repercussions.These concerns cover all aspects of business operations including combating modern slavery.


Flexys are committed to continuous improvement in our efforts to identify, prevent and remedy modern slavery abuses in our own operations or supply chain. As we make further progress in the above areas, we will report on that progress through subsequent versions of this statement.

This statement has been approved by Flexys Solutions board of directors.

Reviewed: 22/01/2025